Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear BudBud

Dear BudBud,

Now that you are gone, I can only hope that I did the right thing, and you were as comfortable as possible. I am sorry if I went against anything that you wanted, perhaps out of selfishness. I could not bear to think of you dying alone somewhere, and then never finding you. I did not think you would make the trip to the vet, to be put down, and you would die a scary death in my car. I am sorry if I did not read your wishes correctly. I know you had a long and wonderful life, I only hope the end was as painless as possible, and my voice comforted you in some way. You were a wonderful member of our family, and we miss you, and love you dearly.


MyBlueHeaven said...

Oh Susan I would have done the same thing. I wish now that I would have let my cats go in peace at home too with me holding them. Now you got me crying.

susan sews a lot said...

I'm sorry, Mammy, but it is so hard to know what is right. Maybe what you did is much better. I imagine it is so individual. BudBud went down so fast, like in one day, I didn't even have that option. I am sad that she is gone, but more sad that I may have read her wrong during her last hour. That is what haunts me most.

MyBlueHeaven said...

Susan I'm sure there was nothing more that could be done for her. You did the right thing.

Girlsie said...

Susan, one always wished they would have done something different for an animal. There were so many things I wish I would have done for Elsa. I think they are happy with whatever you do for them at a time like that. I have things that haunt me from when my Mom died, like we didn't go see her that one last day and me and Janet decided not to but oh how I wish we would have now. There's always regrets with everything.