Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I hated my unfinished concrete wall behind the fireplace. It was too much of a mess to just paint. With Pappy's Private Practical Patching, about $5 and a few hours later, my wall has been transformed!! Ok, so we need to work on a name for this . . . . .


Pease Porridge said...

Remeber Scott and I trying to see if we could do it for a business. Ha ha Until he found out he would be paid in chicken wings. It is hard work for a foundation, but not bad for a small project. It looks great!

MyBlueHeaven said...

Dad was pleased with this. Looks good.

susan sews a lot said...

Hey, you guys asked to do our house!! How long did it take? I think it would be a great business - no overhead at all!