Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Cute come to Visit

Natalie, Christopher, and I (and Bud-Bud) were mesmerized by this little critter that came to my bird feeder late last night. Bud-Bud brought my attention to it by becoming in 'stalk' mode looking out the window. We thought it was a mouse, until it 'flew' to the tree next to the feeder. It took us a while to figure out it was a Southern Flying Squirrel. A few years back, I recall walking around at night with a flashlight trying desperately to find out what the high pitch squeak was that I heard high in the trees. I recall the light catching these eyes, but not getting to see it very well. These are not my pictures.


MyBlueHeaven said...

Oh how neat!

Tara Sue said...

How neat! So cute too! We use to have one living in a bird house in my yard...He chewed the hole bigger so he could fit! They are so cute!

susan sews a lot said...

Yes, I remember Steve telling me about them back when I was trying to figure out what was making that sound!

Pease Porridge said...

Aww, I want one!
